15-17 December 2025, Jaipur, India
Speaker and Designation | Title | Date | Time |
Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay (Professor, IIT Kharagpur), Prof. Navid Asadi (Professor, University of Florida) and Dr. Shuvodip Maitra (Postdoctoral fellow, IIT Kharagpur) | Forensics of Electronic Systems: A Hardware Security Perspective | 14th Dec 2024 Saturday | 9:00 am - 12:00 noon |
Dr. Raj S. Mitra (Director, Cisma Consultants) and Dr. Ansuman Banerjee (Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata) | Formal Verification: From Theory to Practice | 14th Dec 2024 Saturday | 12:30 pm - 7:00 pm |
Prof. Manan Suri (Associate Professor, IIT Delhi) and Dr. Vivek Parmar (Project Scientist, IIT Delhi) | NVM-based Neuromorphic Computing Hardware: Fundamentals and Applications | 15th Dec 2024 Sunday | 9:30 am - 12:30 pm |
Dr. Janakiraman Viraraghavan, Assistant Professor, IIT Madras | From C to Assembly | 15th Dec 2024 Sunday | 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Abstract: As electronic hardware systems become increasingly integral to critical infrastructure, they face heightened risks from sophisticated threats such as Hardware Trojan insertions and malware, which can compromise their security and reliability. These malicious interventions, often stealthily embedded during the manufacturing process, pose significant challenges in ensuring the integrity of electronic components. This talk addresses the growing concerns surrounding hardware security by exploring advanced techniques and technologies used in the detection and mitigation of these threats.We begin by introducing the concept of Hardware Trojans and malware within the context of electronic hardware systems. The discussion will cover the potential vectors for these malicious insertions, the impact they can have on system functionality, and the challenges associated with detecting and neutralizing them in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.Next, we delve into the technological foundations of semiconductor packages and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing. We explore the differences and advancements in 2D, 2.5D, and 3D process integration, highlighting how each stage of technological evolution introduces both opportunities for improved performance and new vulnerabilities for exploitation. The focus then shifts to advanced hardware assurance techniques for Integrated Circuits (ICs) and PCBs. A key method discussed is the use of a Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM), a powerful tool that enables high-resolution inspection of ICs. FIB-SEM allows for the precise identification of hardware anomalies and unauthorized modifications at the microscopic level, making it an essential tool in the fight against hardware tampering. Complementing this approach is the use of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) for reverse engineering and physical assurance of PCBs. X-ray CT provides non-destructive, high-resolution 3D imaging that can reveal internal structures and components of PCBs, enabling the detection of hidden modifications or anomalies that might indicate the presence of a Hardware Trojan or malware. This technique is invaluable for ensuring the integrity of PCBs without damaging the hardware. Lastly, we explore the role of laser-assisted probing and Logic State Imaging (LSI) in hardware security. These techniques are particularly effective for fault-based attack and logic state analysis when the device is under operation. Laser-assisted fault attack targets specific registers during security critical operation (like AES encryption) and helps leak secret information. Logic state Analysis LSI reveals a real-time picture of the inner workings of the device during its operation, to enable us to reveal internal circuit logic states. These methods allow us a detailed understanding of the real-time internal workings of electronic components, enabling the detection of any malicious modifications that could compromise their functionality. This talk provides a comprehensive overview of the current threats to electronic hardware systems and the advanced technologies used to ensure their security. By understanding the underlying semiconductor package technology with advanced inspection and imaging techniques, we can better protect our electronic infrastructure from the ever-evolving landscape of hardware-based threats.
Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering Secured Embedded Architecture Laboratory (SEAL), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Security and Assurance Laboratory (SCAN), University of Florida
Postdoctoral fellow, Cyber-Physical Forensics Laboratory (part of SEAL), Department of Computer Science Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay: Prof. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay is an Institute Chair Professor at the Department of CSE, IIT Kharagpur, India. At IIT Kharagpur he initiated Secured Embedded Architecture Laboratory (SEAL), focusing on Hardware-Security. Prior to he was a visiting Professor in the school of Computer Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi, and had visiting positions at NTU Singapore, NYU Shanghai, and Brooklyn. He was also an Assistant Professor at IIT Madras, and held an adjunct position at IIT Bhubaneshwar. He holds a Ph.D, M.S., and a B.Tech from IIT Kharagpur. His research interests are on the topics of Cryptographic Engineering, Micro-architectural security and Hardware-Security. Recently he is intrigued by adversarial attacks on machine-learning, and encrypted computations, which includes homomorphic computations and searchable encryptions.
Dr Mukhopadhyay has published more than 250 papers in peer reviewed conferences and journals, and is in the editorial boards and program committees of several top journals and conferences. Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Association of Cryptologic Research (IACR)-Transactions in Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES) and is a senior Editor of IEEE Transactions of Information Forensics and Security.
Debdeep is the recipient of the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award 2021 for Science and Technology (highest science honor in India below the age of 45) and is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineers, and Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) for contributions to Information Security. He was a fellow of C3iHub (Cyber Security and Cyber Security for Cyber-Physical Systems) Innovation Hub of IIT Kanpur, and has been enlisted in Asia’s most outstanding researchers compiled by Asian Scientist Magazine (https://tinyurl.com/2vr8jaks). He was awarded the Qualcomm Faculty Award 2022, Khosla National Award from IIT Roorkee 2021, DST Swarnajayanti Fellowship 2015-16, INSA Young Scientist award, INAE Young Engineer award, and Associateship for the Indian Academy of Sciences and is a senior member of IEEE/ACM.
Prof. Navid Asadi: Prof. Navid Asadi is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Florida with an affiliation to the Materials Science and Engineering department. He investigates novel techniques for electronics inspection and assurance, system and chip level decomposition and security assessment, anti-reverse engineering, 3D imaging, invasive and semi-invasive methods, supply chain security, etc. Dr. Asadi is director of the Security and Assurance (SCAN) lab house to more than $12M advanced imaging and characterization equipment. He also serves as the associate director of the Florida Semiconductor Institute (FSI), and the Microelectronics Security Training (MEST) center which is a multi-million dollar program to train and reskill the professional engineers in the area of security. Dr. Asadi has received his NSF CAREER award in 2022 and several best paper awards from IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) and the ASME International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA). He was also winner of D.E. Crow Innovation award from University of Connecticut. He is also founder and the general chair of the IEEE Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE) Conference. His projects are sponsored by various government agencies and industry including but not limited to NSF, AFRL, AFOSR, ONR, SRC, Meta, Cisco, Analog Devices, etc.
Dr. Shuvodip Maitra: Dr. Shuvodip Maitra is currently holding a Post-Doctoral Position in Cyber-Physical Forensics Laboratory (SEAL), in the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under Prof. Debdeep Mukopadhyay. Dr. Maitra obtained his Ph.D. in Nanotechnology from the same institute in December 2021. Previously he obtained his Masters in Technology (M.Tech) Nanotechnology from Jadavpur University in 2015 and his Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) in Electronics and Communications Engineering in 2013 from West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT). Dr. Maitra has previous research expertise in energy materials, and is currently focussing on IC and PCB hardware assurance using sophisticated microscopy tools.
Abstract: Modern era has witnessed a dramatic increase in circuit complexity from a few hundreds of gates to billions and trillions of gates. This has resulted in an almost insurmountable challenge of verifying that a given circuit has been designed correctly with respect to its requirements. Evidently, this has become the most dominating task in the chip design industry. It has been widely acknowledged that verification is often accounting for more than 70% of the design cycle time – it is also becoming indispensable considering the use of electronic chips in a wide range of safety critical embedded systems, including medical instruments, automotive, avionic control systems, and atomic reactors. In the context of embedded software based control, the verification task has an even bigger challenge of addressing the correctness concerns for both the hardware and the software running on it. Traditional simulation-based methods have been the forerunner for the verification task for ages with an ability to uncover complex design bugs. However, with circuit sizes growing at an unimaginable pace, these methods are often losing steam. The inability to explore all design behaviors and expose all design flaws, limits the practical utility of simulation. Formal verification (FV) has become an interesting alternative given its exhaustiveness and ability to uncover corner-case bugs. FV has thus established itself as an essential technology during the past couple of decades to complement the coverage achievable with simulation. In many disciplines, FV today has become a mandate. The aim of this tutorial is to portray a roadmap of FV, from its inception to where it stands today. We cover both the theory that drives this fascinating technology along with a detailed discussion on the techniques, and a practical FV flow with System Verilog Assertions (SVA), the language of choice for modeling requirements formally. We conclude with a demonstration of FV.
Director, Cisma Consultants, Bangalore
Professor, Indian Statistical Institute
Dr. Raj S. Mitra: Dr. Raj S. Mitra (RSM) received his Btech, Mtech and PhD degrees in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur. He is a veteran in the EDA and verification industry, having worked at Cadence, Synopsys and Interra Systems, and later served as Head of EDA at Texas Instruments Bangalore. At TI, he had initiated several new methodologies, including formal verification and high-level synthesis. Currently he is Director at Cisma Consultants, a subsidiary of Verikwest (USA), and leads projects related to formal verification, portable stimulus and machine learning there. He has published several research papers in IEEE transactions journals and conferences, and has served in Technical Program Committees of DAC and VLSID conferences.
Dr. Ansuman Banerjee: Dr. Ansuman Banerjee (AB) received his B.E. from Jadavpur University, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from IIT Kharagpur, all in Computer Science. He is a formal verification expert and has exposure to both the theoretical and practical aspects of Formal Verification. He has worked on multiple industry projects on FV, both as a full-time industry person and as an academic consultant. After having a few years in industry, he joined Indian Statistical Institute as a faculty. He has mentored many doctoral students in FV. He has published several research papers in IEEE transactions journals and conferences, and has served in Technical Program Committees of many conferences specializing in topics in EDA and FV.
Abstract: Neuromorphic computing technologies will be important for the future of computing. We will review fundamentals of neuromorphic computing algorithms, sensing and hardware. We highlight characteristics of neuromorphic computing technologies that make them attractive for the future of computing and discuss opportunities for future development of algorithms and applications on these systems. We will also briefly review various neuromorphic hardware devices available currently for researchers to experiment with.
The next part of the tutorial will dive into implementations of non-volatile memory based neuromorphic hardware implementations. The tutorial will introduce the audience to various NVM technologies and their applications to neuromorphic computing both in context of learning as well as inference operations. The session will conclude with some discussions on performance characterization and future perspectives.
Project Scientist, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi
Dr. Vivek Parmar: Dr. Vivek Parmar is a postdoctoral researcher with the NVM & Neuromorphic Hardware Research Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His research interests include computer architecture, neuromorphic computing, in-memory computing, embedded systems, mixed reality and AI applications. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 2023.
Dr. Manan Suri: Dr. Manan Suri leads the NVM and Neuromorphic Hardware Research group at IIT-Delhi. His research interests include Semiconductor Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Technology and its Advanced Applications (Neuromorphic, AI, Security, Computing, Sensing). Dr. Suri has been globally recognized as a leading DeepTech Innovator. He was selected by MIT Technology Review as one of the world's Top 35 Innovators under the age of 35 (MIT-TR 35 Global List - 2018) and Top 10 Indian Innovators under 35 (MIT-TR 35 India List - 2018). Dr. Suri received the prestigious IEEE EDS Early Career Award (2018), Fellowship of AIIA (2024), Young Scientist Award (2017) from The National Academy of Sciences, Young Engineers Award (2016), from The Institution of Engineers, and Laureat du Prix (2014) from the French Nanosciences Foundation. Dr. Suri has filed several patents, authored 120+ publications and led 24+ tech projects as principal investigator. He is the founder of IIT-Delhi Deeptech startup CYRAN AI Solutions which has developed multiple innovative technology products and solutions. He also serves as an advisor to leading Tech Companies and government bodies. Dr. Suri was a visiting scientist at CNRS, France. In past, he has worked at NXP Semiconductors, Belgium as a Senior Scientist and CEA-LETI, France. Dr. Suri received his PhD from INP-Grenoble, France and Masters/bachelor’s from Cornell University, USA.
Abstract: C Programming is a widely popular programming language that finds applications in software, kernels, and embedded systems. Students, in their undergraduate degree, do extensive courses in C programming. On the other hand, assembly language allows direct access to the full potential of a microprocessor in terms of speed and functionality, which is again dealt with in great detail in various courses. However, two are isolated from each other and students do not have a clear picture of how a program is translated to assembly or what happens in various segments of the memory when a C program executes in a microprocessor. This tutorial will focus “compiling” a C program to assembply lanague and demonstrating the details, via animations and examples, of what happens in the memory of the processor. The details of the stack set up for a function, how local variables are allocated and handled will be dealt with in great detail. Function parameter passing, including that of variable argument list functions will be done extensively. The tutorial will take you through the basics of the x86 instructions, mostly encountered in taking a C program to assembly, and then introduce the audience to inline assembly programming and conclude with a discussion on some advanced topics of security issues on the stack, efficiency of recursion, and exploiting some hardware loops in x86 to speed up certain functions like memcpy and strlen.
Assistant Professor, Departmemt of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras.
Dr. Janakiraman Viraraghavan: Dr. Janakiraman Viraraghavan is an Assistant Professor in the Integrated Circuits and Systems group of the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Madras since 2016. He received his Ph.D. in Microelectronics, in 2011, from the Department of Electrical and Communication at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Janakiraman was with the Semiconductor Research and Development Center at IBM India Pvt. Ltd. since 2011 before moving to GLOBALFOUNDRIES, India in 2015 where he worked on early technology development of Embedded DRAM and Non-Volatile Memory design, respectively. He graduated with a B.E degree from the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering in 2003. His research interests include hardware implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms and statistical analysis in VLSI. Janakiraman received the Young Faculty Recognition Award from IIT Madras in 2019 and the Faculty Partnership Award from IBM in 2024. Janakiraman has been serving as an associate editor for the Open Journal of Circuits and Systems since 2020.